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Flexibilis fúrószár

1070 mm

€ 17.04 ÁFA nélkül

  • A ceruzához hasonlóan megfogható markolat segítségével aprólékos munkák elvégzésére is alkalmas
  • Ideális szűk helyeken való használathoz
  • A Silverline flexibilis fúrószárral és fúróval használható
  • A forgó elektromos kéziszerszámok többségével, pl. a Silverline, GMC és Dremel márkákkal használható
  • Max. fordulatszám: 28 000 1/min

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4 csillag az 5 csillagból
20 vélemény

A termék adatai

Felületkezelés Natúr
Anyag - orr/csúcs Műanyag
A termék tömege 0,226 kg

Fő tulajdonságok

A ceruzához hasonlóan megfogható markolat segítségével aprólékos munkák elvégzésére is alkalmas. Ideális szűk helyeken való használathoz. A legtöbb forgó mozgást végző elektromos kéziszerszámmal használható, többek között a Silverline, GMC és Dremel márkákkal. Tökéletesen használható a Silverline teleszkópos függesztőállvánnyal és fúróval. Max. fordulatszám: 28 000 1/min.

A doboz tartalma

  • 1 db flexibilis fúrószár, 1070 mm
  • 1 db szorítótüske

Vásárlói értékelések

John M által


Excellent product and does what it says.

Paul által


Bought this to go on my VonHaus Rotary Tool and it fit perfectly and has worked great for me.

Colin S által


My previous flexible drive broke after many years of hard work. Ordered a new one and it was here the next day. Wonderful product and great service.

Steven C által


Very good for the job noisy but it''s under tremendous speed torque. The silver part gets very hot on mine be careful check temperature before touching with your hands. I enjoy useing it you need the tall holder for this to work I found. Enjoy useing it have fun creating things

Steven C által


This works very well with my Dremel 300 I would advise getting the higher stand for using this for engraving very good item will order more things as and when required good pricing of goods great delivery prompt service

Dave által


Does the job with a Dremel type multi-tool when you need to get at awkward corners. There wasn''t any instructions so it took me a minute to work out you need to pull out the inner core to lock it into the collet on the tool first, then screw the outer sheaf onto the neck of the multi-tool.

Justin által


Really simple to attach to a Dremel. Works a treat.

shane o által


Would be lost without it brilliant quality great addition for any crafter.

Andrew J által


I had been looking for a flexible drive for a rotary tool that I''d already purchased when I spotted this on Amazon not only is it a great price, but when registered on the Silverline tools website, it comes with a warranty that lasts forever. It''s easy to fit, very useful and comfortable to hold. I showed mine to a friend at work and he ordered one the next day. Great price. Great accessory. Great warranty.

Mike C által


OK tool. Does the job no problem.!!!! Would highly recommend.

Kevin R által


Excellent addition to my Silverline 135W Multi-Function Rotary Tool. Its brilliant, frees up your hand instead having to hold the full tool, its like using a powered pen!. Gives you freedom to get the intricate jobs done and done well. Really pleased with my purchase.

Mans által


Essential for the rotary tool, Perfect for the details !

malc d által


I use this drive shaft with an Apollo multi tool for wooden sculptures is an excellent product and makes my hobby so easy......all of my wood bits which are mainly Dremel ones fit the Shaft and are so easy to fix in and remove......comes complete with tightening tool....I will be using Silverline Products all the time in the future

Nick B által


I got this to replace my dremmel this is smaller and lighter great for small projects. I prefer useing it its more flexible. Thankyou so much service was great too

Julia H által


when i first ordered this i was somewhat sceptical about how good this would be as no a genuine Dremmel product, howerever i goes past all expectations and make things so easy at a fraction of the cost. Then you add the lifetime guarantee and you just can not go wrong. Easily assembled and straight forward. Excellent Product all round. I really couldn''t be happier with it.

Stuart B által


A very good product for the application but the unit suffered a failiure after less than 10 hrs of use making it inoperable.

C I által


Exactly what I wanted, reasonable price and delivery great.

Norman B által


Only used once to date, but it performed very well.

paulkeward által


Fits both my Dremel and my unbranded multi tool. A brilliant product like all Silverline tools budget price, high quality tools.

pete által


I''ve read some negative reviews about this flexi shaft and they are wrong. I have both the B&D RT650KA and the Dremel 3000 and it fits both without any bother. You have to remove the collar on your rotary tool then using your fingers or thin pliers pull out about an inch or so of the core from the flexi shaft and attach it as you would any mandrel, then simple slide the outer casing up and attach to the rotary tool and you''re good to go. no need for any extra nuts as I''ve seen someone commenting. Plus its a life time guarantee.

Élettartam jótállás

Erre a Silverline Flexibilis fúrószár termékre a vásárlás dátumától számítva 30 nap jótállás érvényes, mely a gyártás során esetlegesen előforduló gyártási vagy anyaghibákra terjed ki. A(z) Élettartam jótállásért regisztrálja online a termékét. A hibás terméket díjmentesen megjavítjuk vagy kicseréljük.

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